* Please Note: We are not currently accepting ebay or amazon reseller customers

Primary Contact

First Name * Last Name* Position *
E-Mail* Phone Number Fax Number
Current Hypercel Customer?* Customer Number Sales Rep

Company Information

Retail Store Name/DBA* FEIN# (xx-XXXXXXX)
Corporate Business Name D&B listed*
Billing Address* City*
State* Zip Code*

About Business

Entity type* Type of Business* Which Carrier
Business opened* Website (URL)* Number of stores*
Do you Activate Phones?* Do you Activate Phones?

Authorized Buyers

# of buyers

Buyer First Name* Buyer Last Name*
Buyer Phone Buyer Ext Buyer Email*

TERMS AND CONDITIONS For the purpose of obtaining merchandise from Hypercel Corporation LLC . the following statements in writing are made by the applicant, and Hypercel Corporation LLC should rely on all such statements as correct. This agreement is between the applicant signed on this agreement and Hypercel Corporation LLC. Applicant authorizes Hypercel Corporation LLC to contact any references given and inquire about credit history. The applicant authorizes its bank and creditors to submit complete information for the purpose of credit evaluation. Hypercel Corporation LLC and buyer hereby agree that Hypercel Corporation LLC will retain all rights, titles, and interests in goods, supplies and merchandise shipped and delivered to buyer until buyer makes payment in full in addition to Hypercel Corporation LLCother rights and remedies as provided by law. Buyer further agrees that the buyer indemnify Hypercel Corporation LLC harmless from any and all claims of third parties in the event Hypercel Corporation LLC is required to take legal action to enforce its rights for the good or the price thereof. Buyer agrees to pay all Hypercel Corporation LLC cost and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees and expenses necessary to enforce Hypercel Corporation LLC rights. Terms are based on shipped date, not received date. Invoice not paid within invoice terms are subject to finance charges. By Typing your name in the box below you agree to the stated terms and conditions.

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